How to lose weight without compromising your health?

fruits and vegetables for weight loss

Almost all weight loss methods are based on reducing the calorie content of the diet. It can be a single diet, rational nutrition or just fasting days. There are also some fat-burning foods that help speed up the weight loss process. Do you want to know the most effective way to lose weight? Some of them are listed below.

causes of weight gain

The extra weight occurs due to nutritional irrationality: some nutrients are accompanied by excess food, some - not enough, so the body's needs are not met. Other causes of weight gain:

  • hereditary;
  • overeating;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • hormone imbalance.

Physiological weight gain in women is noted during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Decreased levels of female hormones and slower metabolism during menopause are also among the reasons why women gain weight. The cause of being overweight will help determine the dietitian.

How to lose weight fast?

In order to lose weight fast at home, you need to calculate how many calories your body consumes per day and reduce the calories consumed with food by 10-20%. Tips for losing weight fast:

  • quit sugar;
  • cooking food with olive oil;
  • drink green tea;
  • perform a set of daily exercises;
  • Get up from the table with a slight sense of hunger - satiety follows;
  • Do not stick to diet, choose dishes with a reasonable ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates;
  • Note not the weight, but the change in parameters.

In the absence of lifestyle changes (nutrition, physical activity), a dramatic weight loss in six months is considered to be greater than 5%. A nutritionist will help you choose from the possible weight loss methods that work for you.

How to lose weight without dieting?

Reasonable nutrition, choosing food according to the amount of calories and the ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, quitting bad habits, adjusting your lifestyle, and not dieting can also help you lose weight. It is necessary to exercise regularly and choose active forms of recreation (hiking, cycling). In order to lose weight without dieting, you need:

  • Drink more water;
  • Don't get distracted by unrelated things while eating;
  • Use gadgets.

Avoiding stress and getting enough sleep are also important. Lack of sleep releases large amounts of hormones (ghrelin, cortisol) that increase appetite. A healthy sleep (7-9 hours) promotes the release of the hormone leptin, which suppresses hunger and keeps you feeling full.

What should you eat to lose weight?

In order to lose weight without compromising your health, it is recommended to eat regularly, but less often. Between meals, you can eat foods that help satisfy hunger:

  • nut;
  • beans;
  • Apples and pears.

Chili peppers, vinegar, and olive oil are added to the main dish and also contribute to quick satiety. A diet for weight loss includes green tea, cereals, lean meat and fish, green vegetables and fresh fruit. Choose low-calorie, balanced protein, fat, and carbohydrate foods to keep you full and stay calorie-deficient.

If you have a chronic disease, your doctor should arrange a diet. Diets for diabetes and other endocrine diseases are chosen by endocrinologists.

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight?

In order to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body uses every day. Daily calorie intake for adults is calculated using the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula:

  • Female: (10 x weight) + (6. 25 x height) - (5 x age) - 161;
  • Male: (10 x weight) + (6. 25 x height) - (5 x age) + 5.

The result obtained must be multiplied by a factor of 1. 375. For a 25-year-old woman weighing 60 kg and a height of 1. 6 m, the calorie standard is 1800 kcal, and for a 25-year-old man weighing 80 kg and 1. 8 m - 2480 kcal.

If you live an active lifestyle and exercise for quick and effective weight loss, you can reduce the calorie content of your diet by 10%. For people with a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to consume 20% fewer calories than the body consumes each day.

How to lose weight during pregnancy?

Typically, during pregnancy, a woman gains about 10 kg in weight (weight of the fetus, placenta, enlarged uterus, amniotic fluid, adipose tissue). With this kind of weight gain, women can't burn themselves out by dieting - the kilograms gained go away effortlessly in the first few months after giving birth. Weight gain outside the normal range can put a lot of stress on the expectant mother's body (legs, spine), resulting in an overweight fetus. To lose weight during pregnancy without harming the baby, you need:

  • A reasonable and varied diet;
  • Exclude the use of fast food, pastries, carbonated drinks, preserved foods, pickles;
  • eat small portions often;
  • Plan your last meal 3 hours before bedtime;
  • drink enough water;
  • Live an active lifestyle (walking every day).

During pregnancy, it is important not to limit your intake of vitamins and minerals. Essential micronutrients that women must consume during their reproductive years include iodine, iron, calcium, folic acid, and vitamin D.

How to lose weight after giving birth?

After giving birth, women are weak and need time to recover their resources. A weight loss plan is recommended when breastfeeding is established, when the mother is getting enough sleep, feels comfortable, and has no contraindications. Proper weight loss doesn't harm women and children -- a process that can take up to a year.

During the first month after giving birth, you can only do light physical activity in a prone position, and a little later - start a sitting warm-up. Women can begin mild physical activity (yoga, aqua aerobics, Pilates) 1-1. 5 months after natural delivery and 1. 5-2 months after cesarean delivery. And only 4-5 months after the baby is born, women can start a full-scale training program to lose weight after childbirth.

How do teenagers lose weight?

During adolescence, the desire to lose weight may not be due to weight gain, but rather the influence of social norms and dissatisfaction with appearance. Unexplained weight gain can be a symptom of an endocrine disorder, so you need to consult a dietitian and endocrinologist before going on a diet.

Rules that help teens lose weight:

  • Actively participate in sports and take part in parts of interest (gymnastics, boxing, football, volleyball);
  • Take a break to warm up while doing homework or playing computer games;
  • Do not skip main meals;
  • Adhere to a 1: 1: 4 ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates in your diet;
  • eat steamed, boiled or stewed food;
  • snack on fruits and vegetables;
  • Adding more protein foods (eggs, milk, beans) to the diet can satisfy hunger well;
  • Limit the use of carbonated drinks, bread, and sweets.

For teens, support from loved ones is extremely important - it is recommended that all family members adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper diet. Another important aspect is the organization of joint outdoor activities.

Why not lose weight with intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting involves dividing the day into two periods. You can eat for the first half of the day and don't eat for the rest of the day. There are different plans: 13/11, 16/8, 18/6, 36/0 (the first number indicates the time of food, the second - the time of fasting).

When fasting, the body is stressed and starts using its own stored fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Weight loss on the first day of the diet was due to carbohydrate burning and later due to protein and fat. Protein reserves are located in muscle tissue, and if their numbers are reduced, metabolism slows down. Fat deposits burn last. Therefore, the best way to lose weight is to choose the right diet and exercise in consultation with a nutritionist.

How to speed up metabolism and lose weight?

Weight loss can be complicated by slow metabolism, caused by gastrointestinal disorders, endocrine disorders, and genetic predispositions. An endocrinologist and nutritionist will help you lose hormonal weight.

In order to speed up your metabolism and lose weight, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not skip breakfast, 40-50% of your daily diet should fall on the first meal;
  • comply with drinking rules;
  • Eat more protein foods (eggs, beans, nuts, meat), fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Do aerobic exercise (running, swimming, cycling);
  • Eat a small meal every 3-4 hours;
  • refuse high-fat foods;
  • walk in fresh air every day;
  • Reasonable allocation of work and rest time (sleep 7-8 hours a day);
  • Say goodbye to bad habits.

The diet must include simple carbohydrates (cabbage, cereals, dried apricots, raisins), as well as foods rich in vitamin D (seafood, butter), iron (nuts, beef, seaweed, red fish), calcium (milk, whitesoft cheese, cabbage).